Taozi Tree Yoga

The seeds we water are the seeds that grow.


A Series of Natural Beauty Tips: #4 Salt Water, Almond and Lavender Hair Spray

If you, like me, have naturally wavy or curly hair…this is a truly magical product that you can make in your own kitchen. For me, my hair never looks better then after a hop in the ocean. The salt water seems to have some sort of magic that grips my curls, with a light crunch, while making the hair soft and shiny… ocean love

Magic I tell you. As fall creeps in, it may become less likely for a jump in the sea, or if you are in a land-locked state like sayyyy, Colorado, it’s very unlikely until the next holiday.

Do not fret. By spraying some of this magic salt water, almond oil, lavender hair spray in… we can maintain that fresh from the beach look …all year round.

I recently discovered this trick while talking to another girl friend who has the most beautiful natural curls ever. She told me she had bought a salt water hair spray from the store…. so naturally, I looked into buying a bottle myself. I was shocked at the prices… $20 dollars for a bottle of… salt water? Isn’t salt water free (70% of the planet is covered in ocean)? I realize that for the last few decades people have been making bank from simply bottling regular water, it was only a matter of time before salt water hit the shelves.

$20 dollars though? Hmmmm…. I knew immediately I could handle this on my own. After some research and experimentation I came up with my own recipe that I love, and would like to share with you!


-1-2 tablespoons of Sea Salt (Himilayan Rock Salt will work also)

It has been said that using salt on the hair, can potentially dry it out, which has some validity, and that is why this spray has almond oil in it (see below).

However, the simple fact is that it adds body to the hair while holding the  curls with the slightest “crunch”. The magic alkaline properties of the salt seem to get into the hair and tell it to look fabulous (not scientifically tested). This has been my experience at least.

By using salt from the sea, you also have the added benefit of a connection to nature while in the office or where ever you may be. I love the feeling of carrying the ocean with me. And by using Himalayan rock salt, the beautiful pink salts from west asia… you see where I am going with this… spiritual connection time in your curls…



-1 tablespoon of Almond Oil

Almond oil continues to grow in popularity as it is an incredible moisturizing product, all on its own. What makes almond oil win over other oils in the case of a salt water hair spray is that it has the ability to bind easily with the follicles of the hair. Thus it easily gets inside of the hair cuticles and deeply moisturizes it. This adds a very nice, natural shine.


-5-10 drops of Lavender essential oil

First of all, lavender oil has a stimulating effect in the skin, thus when the lovely oil hits the scalp, it spurs hair growth. It is also a powerful antiseptic which can help treat dry scalp, or any other possible bacterial issues. Mostly though, it’s moisturizing for the hair and the scalp making it another counter product to the dryness the salt may create. Greator still…it smells…amazing. I realize that “smells amazing” is a personal opinion and that some people hate lavender, in which case using mint instead would have many of the same benefits.


Spray bottle:

A spray bottle is needed to get all the other ingredients spread nicely and evenly through the hair. I recommend a bigger more powerful bottle as I have used tiny bottles (which are cute and fit nicely into my purse for a great “on-the-go” curl pick me up) however, a bigger bottle with some oomph would work best.


Obviously, as the spray has two different types of oil in it, it needs to be shaken up before sprayed on the hair in order to get the oils to dissipate from the top of the water. This process is easy enough, just shake the bottle! Spraying the hair when out of the shower after the hair has slightly started to dry works best for me. I flip my head over, spray, scrunch, and tad-daa!… amazing.  Using the spray on dry hair works fine too! It helps bring the curls back together, feels refreshing and smells great. Enjoy!

*** Please visit Taozi Tree Yoga on Facebook for details on Taozi’s travels, teaching schedule, and more inspiration!***