Taozi Tree Yoga

The seeds we water are the seeds that grow.

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Look at the stars…



“Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes shine to the stars. Enthusiasm is the sparkle in your eyes, the swing in your gait. The grip of your hand, the irresistible surge of will and energy to execute your ideas.”

Henry Ford

Dortmund, Germany. The whirlwind of life continues on. 12 countries on 4 continents in 12 months. Really? Easy to see why often I feel entirely drained. Taking it all in, enjoying, and keeping my eyes open for the miracle. Going through the motions this week, taking in the amazing experiences again brought to me, I’m wondering what the lesson is. This morning it came to me. Enthusiasm. What are all of these moments if not met with my utmost energy and my own special sparkle…? Its easily attainable, all that’s necessary is the intention and the follow through.

We arrived in Dortmund exhausted as a number of early mornings had finally compounded to the point we couldn’t keep our heads up. Enthusiasm? Hmmm… hard to cultivate on an empty tank. We stayed on the most comfortable inflatable mattress ever with Joerg and Karin, two old friends from Beijing. We enjoyed good sleep and good food. Particularly the famous German breakfast. It was here we were able to recharge our batteries and load up on more appreciation for our path.

LOVE waking up in Germany…

The highlight of the week was seeing COLDPLAY in Koln in honor of Karin’s birthday. We spent the day absorbing the city. GORGEOUS. The church there is spectacular. We wandered around a bit then headed to the show. Wowza. What an experience. I have to say there were tears as I looked around and saw 45,000 people with their arms in the air lifted up into the open night sky as he sang, “look at the stars, look how they shine for you, and everything you do…”. Seriously, very moving. You know that feeling, when you are at a show and there are butterflies in your gut? Or there is a deep bass, vibrations through your feet… like the unifying OM in yoga class. I couldn’t help feel a big sigh of WOOoooowwwww accompanied by tears. I was grateful for the moment and the tears which served as some evidence that I AM getting it. LIFE…  Sometimes I think maybe I’m totally numb to all the incredibleness that my life currently is. There is something about a large group of people united under song to make you feel alive. I loved it. What a perfect opportunity to recommit to joy. To recommit to enthusiasm.

Karin and Ross enjoying the sunshine…


Oh yes…

The next day we headed out to the country to visit Joerg’s country home. Unbelievable. A beautiful piece of property in the most lush hills. We had a wonderful lunch on the back patio and then hiked about six kilometers to a small perfectly German village for some cakes and coffee. The best part of the hike was the trees. As soon as we entered the forest we had to give the trees a big hello and tell them we were there… I spent a minute with my hand on the trunk of a beast of a tree. Thinking of my dear friend Mo telling me to talk to trees.

Back Patio…


Talk to the trees.

Count down…

Lift off 😉

Drama struck early the next morning as Ross pulled a muscle in his back. Drama or a blessing? The poor man could hardly walk. We braved a trip to a nearby mining museum for a quick tour hosted by the lovely Karin. Then home we went where for the first time in I don’t know how long we watched a movie and CHILLAXED. SUPER ENTHUSIASTICALY. I felt terrible for Ross as he really was in pain, but to lay there with him watching Midnight in Paris and recounting our own experience there not 3 weeks ago was fantastic. Doing nothing was a gift.

Cute town…

It’s our last day in Dortmund, today we head to Dusseldorf to spend a few days with German family… my sudo brother Kevin, his wife Ute and their beautiful kids. Enthusiasm. Taking this with me in many forms. Yes, of course in my day to day life experiences, but also in my personal progress. Creating enthusiasm for writing, for reading, for more yoga… for continuing to DREAM and take small iddy bitty steps forward.

Star shine…