Taozi Tree Yoga

The seeds we water are the seeds that grow.

The Easter Bunny…earlier this morning…


The Easter Bunny...earlier this morning...

This is the first Easter Sunday I have been home in a long long long time. We are up early and I am heading to mass with my daddy and Ross. The sky is blue, it is a gorgeous day already and I am looking forward to celebrating family and my spiritual practice. I find these holidays to be more about evaluating what my own intentions and practice looks like. The ritual is fun and creates community, but its what I do as an individual that will make the biggest impact in life. After mass I’ll make a gratitude list, and get ready to go to UGANDA. Also, mass is totally new to me, it is a long story, one for another time. 😉

Author: taozirae

Theresa, known as Taozi 桃子(Peach)to her Chinese students, has been teaching yoga since 2008. She has studied many types of yoga with world renowned teachers from all over the planet. China, the United States, Australia, and India. With over 1000 hours of YTT experience she is thrilled to have the opportunity to share the sweetness of her eclectic practice with others. Her life philosophy is that “The seeds we water are the seeds that grow “…wherever we decide to put our energy, our thoughts, and our actions are the areas of our lives that will grow. Life is about learning to water the right seeds!

4 thoughts on “The Easter Bunny…earlier this morning…

  1. Have a wonderful day! I love the yoga bunny.

  2. I love the yoga-easter bunny! It really made me smile 🙂 The individual actions really do have the biggest impact on ourselves. Enjoy mass!

  3. Reblogged this on Yogalady68 and commented:
    This is a great pic. Hope you all enjoy. Hopping to exercise.

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